Article 908 of the French Code of civil procedure
On pain of the declaration of appeal lapsing, raised ex officio, the appellant has a period of three months from the declaration of appeal to submit his submissions to the clerk’s office. .
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil procedure | Book II: Provisions specific to each court. | Title VI: Provisions specific to the Court of Appeal. | Subtitle I: Proceedings before the panel. | Chapter I: Litigation procedure. | Section I: Proceedings with compulsory representation. | Subsection I: Ordinary procedure. | Page 2
On pain of the declaration of appeal lapsing, raised ex officio, the appellant has a period of three months from the declaration of appeal to submit his submissions to the clerk’s office. .
The respondent shall have, on pain of inadmissibility raised ex officio, a period of three months from the notification of the appellant’s pleadings provided for in article 908 to deliver his pleadings to the registry and to lodge, where appropriate, a cross-appeal or an induced appeal. .
The respondent to a cross-appeal or to an appeal in cassation shall have a period of three months from the date on which he is notified of the application to intervene, failing which he shall be deemed inadmissible. The intervener in the appeal proceedings shall have a period of three months from the date on which he is notified of the application to intervene, failing which he shall be deemed…
The submissions required by articles 905-2 and 908 to 910 are those, addressed to the court, which are delivered to the registry and notified within the time limits provided for by these texts and which determine the subject matter of the dispute.
The decision ordering the parties to meet with a mediator pursuant to article 127-1 or who orders mediation pursuant to article 131-1 interrupts the time limits for concluding and cross-appealing mentioned in articles 905-2 and 908 to 910. The interruption has effect until the expiry of the mediator’s term of office. .
In the event of force majeure, the President of the Chamber or the Conseiller de la mise en état may waive the application of the sanctions provided for in Articles 905-2 and 908 to 911.
On pain of inadmissibility, raised ex officio, the parties must submit, as early as the submissions mentioned in articles 905-2 and 908 to 910, all their claims on the merits. Inadmissibility may also be invoked by the party against whom subsequent claims are made. Nonetheless, and without prejudice to paragraph 2 of Article 802, within the limits of the heads of the judgment criticised, claims intended to reply to the…
Subject to the penalties provided for in articles 905-2 and 908 to 910, the pleadings are notified to the parties’ lawyers within the time limit for their delivery to the court registry. Subject to the same sanctions, they shall be served at the latest within one month of the expiry of the time limits provided for in those articles on the parties who have not constituted a lawyer; however, if,…
The Conseiller de la mise en état may of his own motion, by order and by reason of the nature of the case, set shorter time limits than those provided for in Articles 908 to 910. The lapse of the statement of appeal pursuant to Articles 902 and 908 or the inadmissibility of the submissions pursuant to Articles 909 and 910 shall be decided by order of the Conseiller de…
The time limits provided for in the first paragraph of Article 905-1, in article 905-2, in the third paragraph of Article 902 and in article 908 are increased: – by one month, when the claim is brought either before a court that has its seat in metropolitan France, for parties who reside in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Reunion Island, Mayotte, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, French Polynesia, Wallis and Futuna Islands, New Caledonia…
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