Article L1454-1 of the French Labour Code
The conciliation and referral office is responsible for reconciling the parties. As part of this task, the conciliation and referral office may hear each of the parties separately and confidentially.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book IV: Dispute resolution - The industrial tribunal | Title V: Procedure before the industrial tribunal | Chapter IV: Conciliation and judgement | Section 1: Conciliation, orientation and preparation of the case.
The conciliation and referral office is responsible for reconciling the parties. As part of this task, the conciliation and referral office may hear each of the parties separately and confidentially.
If conciliation fails, the Conciliation and Referral Office may, by simple measure of judicial administration: 1° If the dispute relates to a dismissal or a request for judicial termination of the employment contract, refer the parties, with their agreement, to the Judgement Office in its restricted composition referred to in Article L. 1423-13. The restricted panel must give its decision within a period of three months; 2° Refer the parties,…
The conciliation and referral office prepares cases for trial. If the case is not ready for trial before the Judgement Office, the latter may prepare the case for trial. One or two reporting councillors may be appointed to prepare the case for trial. They shall prescribe all measures necessary for this purpose. The inspection officers referred to in Article L. 8271-1-2 shall provide the reporting advisors, at the latter’s request…
If, unless there is a legitimate reason, a party does not appear, either in person or represented in accordance with the procedures laid down by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, the conciliation and referral office may rule on the case on the basis of the documents and arguments that the appearing party has communicated to the other party. In this case, the Conciliation and Referral Office rules as a judgement…
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