Article D3121-33 of the French Public Health Code
The national harm reduction guidelines for drug users referred to in article L. 3121-5 are reproduced in appendix 31-2 to this code.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Public Health Code | Regulatory part | Part Three: Combating disease and addiction | Book I: Combating communicable diseases | Title II: Human immunodeficiency virus infection and sexually transmitted infections | Chapter I: General provisions | Section 6: Harm reduction policy for drug users.
The national harm reduction guidelines for drug users referred to in article L. 3121-5 are reproduced in appendix 31-2 to this code.
Drug users’ harm reduction support centres (centres d’accueil et d’accompagnement à la réduction des risques pour usagers de drogues) provide : 1° Group and individual reception, information and personalised advice for drug users; 2° Supporting users in accessing care, including : a) Help with hygiene and access to essential care, preferably provided on the premises; b) Referral to specialist or mainstream care; c) Encouraging screening for transmissible infections; 3° Supporting…
The centres are involved in drug and addiction monitoring, research, prevention and training on changes in user practices.
The centres may be run by health establishments that also run a centre for addiction care, support and prevention.
The possession, control, management and dispensing of medicines strictly related to the harm reduction mission for drug users, the list of which is set by order of the Minister for Health, are carried out by salaried staff working in the harm reduction support centre for drug users. The centre’s volunteer staff may dispense these medicines. Staff, whether salaried or voluntary, are required to undergo prior training, provided by an approved…
Harm reduction support centres for drug users enter into an agreement with an addiction treatment, support and prevention centre or with a pharmacist holding a dispensary, relating to the supply of medicines on the list referred to in article D. 3121-33-4. This agreement specifies, in particular, the conditions under which the pharmacist or doctor in charge of holding, managing and dispensing the medicines in the addiction treatment, support and prevention…
The medicines are kept in a place to which only the staff of the reception and support centre for harm reduction for drug users have access. They are stored under the conditions laid down in the marketing authorisation, under the responsibility of the centre director. An annual statement of incoming and outgoing medicines is sent to the pharmacist of the regional health agency designated by the director general of the…
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