Article R6322-1 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of this chapter apply to facilities where surgical procedures are performed to modify a person’s body appearance, at their request, without therapeutic or reconstructive aim.
The provisions of this chapter apply to facilities where surgical procedures are performed to modify a person’s body appearance, at their request, without therapeutic or reconstructive aim.
The authorisation referred to inArticle L. 6322-1 is granted or renewed by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency where the cosmetic surgery facilities are located.
Applications for authorisation and renewal of authorisation are sent to the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by the natural or legal person(s) applying for authorisation on their own behalf. Applications for renewal are submitted under the same conditions by the holder of the authorisation, at least eight months and at most twelve months before the end of the term of the…
Applications for authorisation or renewal of authorisation may only be examined by the Director General of the Regional Health Agency if they are accompanied by a complete file. The application must include the following 1° An administrative file including : a) The identity and legal status of the applicant ; b) A presentation of the proposed installation for the practice of cosmetic surgery or the proposed practice of cosmetic surgery…
The application is complete on the day that the Director General of the Regional Health Agency receives all the documents provided for in Article R. 6322-4. However, the application is deemed to be complete on the day it is received if, within one month of this date, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency has not informed the applicant, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, of the list…
Silence on the part of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency will be deemed to constitute rejection of the application on expiry of a period of four months from the date on which the application file is complete or deemed to be complete. Where the application is for renewal of the authorisation, silence on the part of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency for more than…
A decision to refuse authorisation may only be taken on one or more of the following grounds: 1° Where the project does not comply with the authorisation conditions laid down in articles R. 6322-14 to R. 6322-29 or with the technical operating conditions laid down pursuant to article L. 6322-3; 2° When it has been established that the facilities have been set up before the authorisation was granted.
A decision to refuse to renew an authorisation may only be taken on one or more of the following grounds: 1° Where the facilities and their use do not comply with the authorisation conditions set out in articles R. 6322-14 to R. 6322-29 or the technical operating conditions set out in article L. 6322-3 ; 2° When it is established that the obligations set out in article L. 6322-2 have…
Explicit authorisation or rejection decisions must be substantiated. They are notified to the applicant by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. All express authorisation, renewal or rejection decisions are published in the department’s registry of administrative acts. Any implicit decisions to renew the authorisation, as provided for in article R. 6322-6, and the date on which they take effect, will be mentioned in this journal. The Director General of the…
In the event of the transfer of the operation, including where this is the result of a merger or amalgamation, the transferee, before commencing operation on its own behalf, must send the Director General of the Regional Health Agency, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the first paragraph of Article R. 6322-3, an application for confirmation of the authorisation, accompanied by the file provided for in Article R….
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