Article R814-142 of the French Commercial code
The early dissolution provided for in 4° of article 1844-7 of the Civil Code is decided by a majority of three quarters of the votes of all the partners.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VIII: Some regulated professions. | TITLE I: Judicial administrators, judicial representatives and business diagnostics experts. | Chapter IV: Common provisions | Section 5: Companies of court-appointed administrators and agents | Subsection 2: Provisions applicable to professional non-trading companies | Paragraph 3: Nullity, dissolution and liquidation.
The early dissolution provided for in 4° of article 1844-7 of the Civil Code is decided by a majority of three quarters of the votes of all the partners.
Except in the cases provided for in the third paragraph of article R. 814-99, the professional non-trading company is dissolved ipso jure by notification to the company of the simultaneous requests for withdrawal made by the partners pursuant to the article 21 of law no. 66-879 of 29 November 1966 or, in the event of successive applications, by the last of them, without the shares of the other members having…
In the case provided for in the second paragraph of article 37 of law no. 66-879 of 29 November 1966, the net assets of the company remaining after extinction of liabilities and repayment of capital are distributed among the members in proportion to the shares held by each of them, including shares corresponding to contributions in kind.
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