Article R822-53 of the French Commercial code
The designation “firm of statutory auditors” may only be used by firms registered on the list referred to in I of Article L. 822-1.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Commercial code | Regulatory part | BOOK VIII: Some regulated professions. | TITLE II: Statutory Auditors. | Chapter II: Status of statutory auditors | Section 4: Companies of statutory auditors | Subsection 1: Provisions common to all companies | Paragraph 3: Practice of the profession by the company.
The designation “firm of statutory auditors” may only be used by firms registered on the list referred to in I of Article L. 822-1.
Unless an exemption is provided for in this Title concerning elections to the company’s boards and bodies, the companies on the list mentioned in I of Article L. 822-1 enjoy the same rights and are subject to the same obligations as natural persons.
Subject to the application of the provisions of this Title, all legislative and regulatory provisions relating to the practice of the profession of statutory auditor shall apply to companies and their members practising within the company.
In addition to the information provided for in article R. 123-237, in all correspondence and documents issued by the company, the name of the company must be accompanied by the name of the audit firm and an indication of its legal form.
In professional acts, the person performing the duties of statutory auditor on behalf of the company shall indicate the name or business name of the company of which he is a member.
The partners or shareholders inform each other of their activity within the company. The communication of such information between partners or shareholders does not constitute a breach of professional secrecy.
The registers, directories and documents provided for by the regulatory texts shall be opened and drawn up in the name of the company.
The insurance obligation provided for in article R. 822-36 is applicable to sociétés de commissaires aux comptes, without prejudice to the obligation of partners or shareholders to take out insurance personally. The professional indemnity insurance required by the third paragraph of article 16 of law no. 66-879 of 29 November 1966 is contracted by the company.
Subject to articles R. 822-62 and R. 822-63, the provisions of Chapter IV relating to the discipline of statutory auditors are applicable to the company and to the shareholders or members. The company may be subject to disciplinary proceedings independently of those brought against the shareholders or members.
The Articles of Association may provide that any shareholder or partner sentenced to a disciplinary or criminal sanction of temporary disqualification for a period equal to or greater than three months, shall be obliged, by the unanimous decision of the other shareholders or partners, to withdraw from the company. In the case of a société civile professionnelle (non-trading professional partnership), its shares are then transferred under the conditions set out…
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