Article 1518 C of the French General Tax Code
Transfers and conveyances resulting from the execution of a trust agreement do not affect the rental value of the assets concerned.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Tax Code | Book One: Tax base and assessment | Part Two: Taxes levied for the benefit of local authorities and various bodies | Title one: Local taxes | Chapter 1: Direct taxes and similar levies | Section VI: Rules for assessing the rental value of taxable property | III: Provisions common to property liable to direct local taxes | D: Special procedures for determining the rental value of certain properties
Transfers and conveyances resulting from the execution of a trust agreement do not affect the rental value of the assets concerned.
For the determination of the rental value of industrial fixed assets whose ownership is, pursuant to the loi n° 2014-872 du 4 août 2014 portant réforme ferroviaire, transférée à la SNCF ou à SNCF Réseau, le prix de revient mentionné à l’article 1499 s’entend de la valeur brute pour lequel ces immobilisations sont inscrites au bilan de SNCF Voyageurs au 31 décembre 2014.
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