Article L4135-20 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The time of absence provided for in articles L. 4135-1 and L. 4135-2 is deemed to be equivalent to actual working time for the purposes of determining entitlement to social benefits.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART FOUR: THE REGION | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF THE REGION | TITLE III: REGIONAL BODIES | CHAPTER V: Conditions for exercising regional mandates | Section 4: Social protection | Subsection 1: Social security.
The time of absence provided for in articles L. 4135-1 and L. 4135-2 is deemed to be equivalent to actual working time for the purposes of determining entitlement to social benefits.
When an elected official who receives an official allowance and who has not interrupted any professional activity cannot effectively carry out his duties in the event of illness, maternity, paternity or accident, the amount of the official allowance paid to him is at most equal to the difference between the allowance previously allocated to him and the daily allowances paid by his social protection scheme. The conditions for the application…
Members of the regional council are affiliated to the general social security scheme under the conditions defined in article L. 382-31 of the social security code. The contributions of the regions and those of the elected member are calculated on the amount of the allowances actually received by the latter in application of the provisions of this code. A decree sets the conditions for application of this article.
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