Article R221-52 of the French Monetary and Financial Code
If the account is closed during the year, the interest earned is credited on the day the account is closed.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Monetary and Financial Code | Regulatory part | Book II: Products | Title II: Savings products | Chapter I: General savings products with specific tax arrangements. | Section 2: Popular savings. | Subsection 1: Popular savings passbook account. | Paragraph 2: Provisions relating to the operation of people's savings passbook accounts. | Page 2
If the account is closed during the year, the interest earned is credited on the day the account is closed.
The holder of a people’s savings passbook account may transfer his funds from one institution to another, without loss of interest. The formalities relating to this transfer are laid down by the Minister for the Economy.
People’s savings passbooks and rights belonging to their holders may not be pledged as collateral.
Any breach of the rules set out in Articles L. 221-13 to L. 221-17, Articles R. 221-33 to R. 221-35, R. 221-37 to R. 221-39, R. 221-42, R. 221-45, D. 221-46, R. 221-47 and R. 221-54 committed by the holder of a popular savings passbook account may result in the loss of interest, by decision of the competent administrative authority.
In the event of non-compliance with the undertakings given pursuant to article R. 221-61, the competent administrative authority may, after giving the establishment or body concerned the opportunity to present its observations, withdraw all or part of the authorisation.
The competent administrative authority referred to in articles R. 221-55 and R. 221-56 is the Minister for the Economy.
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations centralises fifty percent of the total deposits collected for the popular savings passbook account in the savings fund provided for in article L. 221-7.
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