Article R6152-534 of the French Public Health Code
The provisions of article R. 6152-73 are applicable to assistants.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Health facilities and services | Book I: Health establishments | Title V: Medical and pharmaceutical staff | Chapter II: Hospital practitioners | Section 5: Status of hospital assistants | Subsection 7: Miscellaneous provisions.
The provisions of article R. 6152-73 are applicable to assistants.
The assistant’s contract is suspended for the legal period of national service.
The assistant’s contract may be suspended in the event of accident or serious illness of the spouse or a child: in this case, the duration of the suspension may not exceed six months, renewable once.
In order to hold the title of former hospital specialist assistant or former hospital generalist assistant, it is necessary to provide evidence of two years’ effective service in one or other of these capacities respectively. Phase 3, known as the consolidation phase of the third cycle of medical studies mentioned in article R. 632-20 of the Education Code, once validated, is counted as one year towards obtaining the title of…
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