Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK II: MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES | TITLE II: MUNICIPAL SERVICES | CHAPTER IV: Public industrial and commercial services | Section 2: Water and sanitation | Subsection 1: General provisions. | Paragraph 1: Provisions relating to water distribution
In order to implement the responsibilities set out in article L. 1321-1 B of the Public Health Code aimed at meeting people’s essential needs for water intended for human consumption, the municipalities or their public cooperation establishments identify the people in their territory who have no access, or insufficient access, to drinking water and the reasons for this situation. This territorial diagnosis covers the entire population present in their territory….
In the light of the territorial diagnosis drawn up in application of article L. 2224-7-2, the municipalities or their public cooperation establishments proceed to: 1° Identifying and assessing the possibilities for improving access to water intended for human consumption for people and groups of people who do not have access or who have inadequate access; 2° The implementation, no later than three years after the territorial diagnosis has been carried…
The provisions of articles L. 2224-7-2 and L. 2224-7-3 apply without prejudice to the provisions of article 2 of law no. 2000-614 of 5 July 2000 relating to the reception and housing of travellers for the persons mentioned in article 1 of the same law whose traditional habitat is made up of mobile homes installed in reception areas or on land set aside for this purpose. The obligations specified in…
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