Article R2221-83 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The budget is enforceable under the same conditions as the municipal budget. It may be amended in the same manner.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Regulatory part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK II: MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES | TITLE II: MUNICIPAL SERVICES | CHAPTER I: Local authorities | Section 3: Regies with sole financial autonomy | Subsection 2: Provisions specific to financially autonomous régies entrusted with the operation of an industrial and commercial public service (R) | Paragraph 2: Financial regime (R) | Sub-paragraph 2: Budget (R)
The budget is enforceable under the same conditions as the municipal budget. It may be amended in the same manner.
When presenting the budget, the mayor provides a copy of the latest financial account in support of his proposals, together with a report highlighting the financial and economic situation of the authority.
The budget is presented in two sections: – in the first, operating transactions are forecast and authorised; – in the second, investment transactions are forecast and authorised.
The operating section or forecast income statement shows successively: – under income: operating income, financial income and exceptional income; – under expenses: operating expenses, financial expenses, exceptional expenses, depreciation and provisions and, where applicable, corporation tax.
Revenue from the investment section includes in particular: 1° The value of allocated assets; 2° Reserves and similar receipts; 3° Investment grants; 4° Provisions and depreciation; 5° Borrowings and similar debts ; 6° The net book value of fixed assets removed from the assets; 7° Capital gains arising on the disposal of fixed assets; 8° The decrease in inventories and work-in-progress.
Expenditure on the investment section includes in particular: 1° Repayment of the principal of loans and similar debts; 2° Acquisition of intangible, tangible and financial fixed assets; 3° Charges to be deferred over several financial years ; 4° The increase in inventories and work-in-progress; 5° Write-backs of provisions; 6° The transfer of investment grants to the income statement.
Budget appropriations in the operating section of the budget that have not been committed at the close of the financial year may not be carried over to the budget for the following financial year. Expenditure in the operating section that has been duly committed, not mandated, and for which there has been service done by 31 calendar December, shall be notified by the Director to the Accounting Officer and attached…
A.-The cumulative result defined in B of Article R. 2311-11 is allocated, where it is a surplus :
If the financial account has not been adopted by the date of the vote on the budget for the following financial year, when the result of the operating section, the financing requirement or, where applicable, the surplus of the investment section and the forecast appropriation are carried forward, under the conditions set out in the fourth paragraph of article L. 2311-5, the entries in the budget are justified by the…
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