Article 775 bis of the French General Tax Code
Annuities and compensation paid or due to the deceased as compensation for bodily injury resulting from an accident or illness are deductible from the assets of the estate at their nominal value. .
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Tax Code | Book One: Tax base and assessment | Part One: State taxes | Title IV: Registration, land registration, stamp duty, wealth tax, property tax | Chapter 1: Registration duties and land registration tax | Section II: Tariffs and their application | VI: Transfers free of charge | B: Basis for free transfer tax | 2: Special provisions relating to inheritance | b : Deductible liabilities | 4°: Pensions and compensation for personal injury
Annuities and compensation paid or due to the deceased as compensation for bodily injury resulting from an accident or illness are deductible from the assets of the estate at their nominal value. .
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