Article L2362-3 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of articles L. 2352-3 to L. 2352-8 relating to the appointment, election and status of the members of the special negotiating body apply to the European Cooperative Society.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Two: Collective labour relations | Book III: Employee representative bodies | Title VI: Employee involvement in the European Cooperative Society and the Committee of the European Cooperative Society | Chapter II: Involvement of employees in the European Cooperative Society by agreement of the special negotiating body | Section 1: Special Negotiating Body | Subsection 2: Nomination, election and status of members
The provisions of articles L. 2352-3 to L. 2352-8 relating to the appointment, election and status of the members of the special negotiating body apply to the European Cooperative Society.
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