Article R8114-3 of the French Labour Code
The proposed settlement referred to in Article L. 8114-4 is drawn up by the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment.
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The proposed settlement referred to in Article L. 8114-4 is drawn up by the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment.
The proposed settlement shall mention : 1° The nature of the alleged offences and their legal classification ; 2° The amount of the penalties incurred; 3° The amount of the fine; 4° The deadlines for payment and, if applicable, for performance of the obligations; 5° Where applicable, the nature and terms of performance of the obligations imposed with a view to putting an end to the infringement, preventing its recurrence…
Two copies of the proposed settlement are sent to the offender by any means that can be used to establish a date certain, within four months for minor offences and one year for major offences, from the date on which the official report establishing the offence was closed. If the offender accepts it, he or she must return a signed copy within one month of receiving it. If the offender…
Once the interested party has accepted, the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment forwards the settlement file to the Public Prosecutor for approval. As soon as the public prosecutor has approved the proposed settlement, the administrative authority will notify the offender of the settlement, by any means that can be used to establish a date certain, so that it can be implemented. This notification initiates the…
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