Article D7121-40 of the French Labour Code
The employers mentioned in articles D. 7121-28 and D. 7121-29 join the paid leave fund provided for in article D. 7121-38 for the artistic and technical staff they employ.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book I: Professional journalists, the entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Title II: Entertainment, audiovisual, advertising and fashion professions | Chapter I: Performing artists | Section 2: Paid leave | Subsection 3: Holiday pay fund | Paragraph 2: Membership
The employers mentioned in articles D. 7121-28 and D. 7121-29 join the paid leave fund provided for in article D. 7121-38 for the artistic and technical staff they employ.
Employers must declare to the caisse de congés payés any artistic and technical staff they have not employed continuously during the twelve months preceding the application for leave.
Undertakings established in another Member State of the European Union or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area which employ seconded employees mentioned in 2° of article D. 7121-29 may be exempted from the obligations set out in this section if they can prove that these employees benefit, for the period of secondment, from their paid holiday entitlements under conditions at least equivalent to those provided…
When, in the country where they are established, the companies mentioned in article D. 7121-42 are affiliated to an institution equivalent to the paid leave funds, they must prove, in order to benefit from the exemption: 1° That they are up to date with their obligations towards these institutions on the date of commencement of the service; 2° That they have continued to contribute to the competent institution during the…
The contribution paid by the employer affiliated to the paid leave fund is determined by a percentage of the amount of wages and salaries paid to the staff concerned. The internal regulations of the fund determine the percentage, the periods and methods of payment of the contributions as well as the supporting documents required for such payment. They also determine the checks to which employers are subject.
The employer shall inform employees by any means of the name and address of the paid leave fund to which it is affiliated.
The employer must prove to the Labour Inspectorate and police officers that he is up to date with his obligations towards the paid leave fund by producing documents issued by the fund.
The employer shall inform the caisse de congés payés of the family allowance fund to which it belongs. It provides proof, in the form of documents issued by the paid leave fund, on a quarterly basis and more often if necessary: 1° Of the rate of compensation applied to it; 2° That it is up to date with its obligations towards the paid leave fund.
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