Article D6352-16 of the French Labour Code
Private training providers prepare their annual accounts in accordance with the accounting principles and methods defined in the French Commercial Code.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title V: Training organisations | Chapter II: Operation | Section 4: Accounting obligations
Private training providers prepare their annual accounts in accordance with the accounting principles and methods defined in the French Commercial Code.
The chart of accounts applicable to training providers is approved by a joint order of the Minister of Justice, the Minister for the Budget and the Minister for Vocational Training. This order is issued after receiving the opinion of the Autorité des normes comptables.
Bodies involved in activities designed to validate acquired experience keep separate accounts for this activity when they simultaneously carry out several other activities.
Without prejudice to the provisions of I of article L. 822-1 of the French Commercial Code applicable to public limited companies, private-sector training providers must appoint at least one statutory auditor and one deputy if, at the end of the calendar year or at the close of the financial year, they exceed the figures set for two of the following three criteria: 1° Three for the number of employees; 2°…
Private training providers are not required to appoint a statutory auditor if they do not exceed the figures set for two of the three criteria defined in article R. 6352-19 for two successive financial years.
The annual turnover referred to in article L. 6352-9 is set at 152,449.02 euros excluding tax.
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