Article D6325-11 of the French Labour Code
A document setting out the objectives, the programme and the procedures for organising, assessing and sanctioning the training is appended to the professionalisation contract.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book III: Continuing vocational training | Title II: Continuing vocational training schemes | Chapter V: Vocational training contracts | Section 3: Organisation of training
A document setting out the objectives, the programme and the procedures for organising, assessing and sanctioning the training is appended to the professionalisation contract.
The support measures and the general, vocational and technological courses mentioned in article L. 6325-13, set up as part of a professionalisation contract by a training organisation or educational establishment, give rise to the signing, between the company and the training organisation or educational establishment, of an agreement specifying the objectives, the programme and the procedures for organising, assessing and sanctioning the training.
Within two months of the start of the professionalisation contract, the employer will examine with the employee the suitability of the training programme in terms of the employee’s prior learning. If it is not, the employer and the employee may, within the limits of the duration of the contract, sign an amendment. This amendment is sent to the skills operator. It is filed with the regional directorate for companies, competition,…
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