Article R6222-46 of the French Labour Code
The length of the apprenticeship contract for disabled workers can be extended to four years.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Six: Lifelong vocational training | Book II: Apprenticeships | Title II: Apprenticeship contract | Chapter II: Employment contract and working conditions | Section 5: Facilities for the disabled | Subsection 2: Contract duration and working time
The length of the apprenticeship contract for disabled workers can be extended to four years.
Where the condition of the disabled apprentice so requires, the instruction provided in the apprentice training centre with a view to leading to the diploma provided for in the contract is spread over a period of time equal to the normal apprenticeship duration for the training in question, plus a maximum of one year.
In the case provided for in article R. 6222-47, the duration of the apprenticeship is extended by a maximum of one year, without prejudice to the conclusion, where applicable, of a new contract with another employer in application of 2° of article L. 6222-11. When the term of the apprenticeship contract is extended in this way, the minimum wage applicable to the contract is increased by a uniform fifteen points…
The provisions of articles R. 6222-46, R. 6222-47, R. 6222-48 and R. 6222-50 also apply to apprentices who are recognised as disabled workers during their apprenticeship.
The occupational physician may propose that the working hours of an apprentice recognised as a disabled worker be adjusted. He will inform the person in charge of integrating people with disabilities designated by the apprentice training centre in application of 1° of article L. 6231-2 and, where applicable, the person in charge of guiding, informing and supporting people with disabilities in the company designated in accordance with article L. 5213-6-1.
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