Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book III: Public employment service and job placement | Title I: The public employment service | Chapter II: Placement and support for jobseekers. | Section 1: Status and missions of Pôle emploi
Pôle Emploi is a public administrative body.
As part of the tasks set out in Article L. 5312-1, Pôle emploi assists in the guidance and placement of disabled workers.
The regional and departmental prefects, assisted by the regional and departmental directors of labour, employment and vocational training, coordinate the work of Pôle emploi with that of the other departments and bodies responsible for implementing the employment policy defined by the public authorities.
Pôle emploi reports to the Minister for Employment, the regional and departmental prefects and the regional directors of companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment on the public employment service activities it carries out with the assistance of the bodies referred to in articles L. 5311-2 to L. 5311-4 and L. 5322-2.
When Pôle emploi takes decisions or enters into agreements on behalf of the State, it also decides, on behalf of the State, in the event of administrative appeals against these decisions or agreements.
Pôle emploi represents the State before the competent administrative courts in the event of disputes relating to decisions taken or agreements entered into on its behalf.
The request for a rescript, from an employer concerning one of its corporate officers or a person holding a corporate office, as provided for in Article L. 5312-12-2, shall include a precise and complete presentation of the factual situation to enable Pôle emploi to assess whether the conditions required for determining liability to unemployment insurance have been met. The application, accompanied by all the necessary information and documents, is submitted…
Any modification to a decision taken pursuant to Article R. 5312-5-1 due to a change in the factual situation of the person concerned or in the analysis of this situation is notified by Pôle emploi to the employer and the person concerned. This modification takes effect on the date of the change in the factual situation or, in the case of a change in the analysis of this situation, on…
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