Article R5221-12 of the French Labour Code
The list of documents to be submitted in support of an application for a work permit is set by a joint order of the ministers responsible for immigration and labour.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book II: Provisions applicable to certain categories of workers | Title II: Foreign workers | Chapter I: Employment of foreign employees | Section 2: Application procedure
The list of documents to be submitted in support of an application for a work permit is set by a joint order of the ministers responsible for immigration and labour.
The application provided for in I of article R. 5221-1 may be made by a foreign national residing outside national territory or a foreign national residing in France and holding a residence permit as provided for in article R. 5221-3.
The application for a work permit referred to in I of article R. 5221-1 is sent by teleservice to the prefect of the département in which the employing establishment has its registered office or the individual employer is resident.
By way of derogation from article R. 5221-15, the Prefect of the Bouches-du-Rhône département is competent to take decisions relating to applications for work permits under article R. 5221-3 which are sent to him by one of the employers mentioned in paragraphs 2 to 4 of article R. 431-22 of the Code de l’entrée et du séjour des étrangers et du droit d’asile.
If the foreign national does not reside in France, the application must be sent to: 1° If the employer is established in France, to the prefect of the département in which the establishment to which the foreign national will be attached is located or in which the home of the private individual proposing to employ the foreign national is located; 2° If the employer is established outside France, either to…
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