Article R5213-27 of the French Labour Code
The pre-orientation centres defined in article R. 5213-2 and the vocational education or re-education centres defined in 1° to 3° of article R. 5213-9 are approved by the Regional Prefect.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book II: Provisions applicable to certain categories of workers | Title I: Disabled workers | Chapter III: Recognition and guidance of disabled workers | Section 3: Approval and supervision of pre-orientation and vocational education centres
The pre-orientation centres defined in article R. 5213-2 and the vocational education or re-education centres defined in 1° to 3° of article R. 5213-9 are approved by the Regional Prefect.
The application for approval is sent by the person responsible for the project to the prefect of the region in which the establishment is located. It is accompanied by a dossier, the composition of which is set by joint order of the ministers responsible for disabled people and employment and which includes, in particular, the planned training programmes. This application is submitted for the opinion of the health insurance bodies…
The extension of a centre must be the subject of a new approval issued under the conditions set out in articles R. 5213-27 and R. 5213-28. Changes to training programmes are approved by the regional prefect, after consultation with the regional employment and vocational training coordination committee.
Approval may be withdrawn in the manner and after the consultations provided for in articles R. 5213-27 and R. 5213-28. The managing institution is then given the opportunity to present its observations. In an emergency, approval may be suspended by the Regional Prefect.
The pre-orientation centres are placed under the control of the ministers responsible for social security, social action, employment, vocational training and, where applicable, agriculture, as well as the minister responsible for defence in the case of establishments managed by the National Veterans Office. Each year, the centres send an activity report to the ministers concerned via the regional prefect.
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