Article R5134-169 of the French Labour Code
Students on a teaching contract for the future must hold a higher education scholarship for the academic year in which they are recruited. This status is checked each time the contract is renewed.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter IV: Assisted employment contracts | Section 8: Employment of future teachers
Students on a teaching contract for the future must hold a higher education scholarship for the academic year in which they are recruited. This status is checked each time the contract is renewed.
The list of academies and the list of subjects with special needs justifying the recruitment priority provided for in III of article L. 5134-120 are set by joint order of the Minister for National Education and the Minister for Agricultural Education.
In each education authority concerned, a committee chaired by the education authority rector or his representative checks whether applicants for a teaching post of the future meet the conditions enabling them to benefit from it. The Academic Rector appoints the members of the committee, which comprises : 1° At least two and no more than six teacher-researchers, including at least one president of a university or research and higher education…
On the basis of an application file, the content of which is set by order of the Minister for National Education, the committee gives an opinion on the suitability of candidates for a teaching post. The committee’s opinion takes into account, in particular, the student’s career plans and academic results. On the basis of the list of candidates drawn up by the committee, the academy rector proposes to the local…
A joint order by the Minister for Employment, the Minister for the Budget, the Minister for National Education or the Minister for Agricultural Education sets the rates of reimbursement determining the amount of financial aid relating to the future teacher job.
The monthly salary of the beneficiary of a job with a future as a teacher is equal to the product of the amount of the interprofessional minimum growth wage multiplied by the average monthly number of hours worked.
I. – The contract concluded for the recruitment of a student on a future teacher’s job specifies the establishment or school in which the student will carry out his or her duties, the duration of the contract, the average weekly working time and the arrangements for varying this over the course of the school year. The contract also includes an undertaking by the student to follow the university course in…
Students recruited on jobs for the future as teachers carry out educational support duties in educational establishments and schools, under the direction of the authorities responsible for organising the service. In support of teachers, they may take part in teaching sessions, school support activities and any educational activity organised within the establishment or school. Students recruited under the “emplois d’avenir professeur” scheme may also attend certain school councils.
In order to benefit from the recruitment priority set out in III of article L. 5134-120, students must have lived for at least two years in one of the areas mentioned or have completed at least two years of secondary education in a school located in one of these areas or in a priority education school.
The tutoring of students recruited on jobs for the future as teachers is provided by a teacher appointed by the academy rector. In agricultural education, the regional director of food, agriculture and forestry appoints the teacher responsible for tutoring. The teacher monitors and supports the student as he or she progresses through the teaching profession, in particular by involving him or her in the preparation and conduct of teaching sequences,…
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