Article R5132-44 of the French Labour Code
An Inclusion Development Fund finances the development and consolidation of local initiatives for inclusion through economic activity.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter II: Integration through economic activity | Section 4: Inclusion Development Fund
An Inclusion Development Fund finances the development and consolidation of local initiatives for inclusion through economic activity.
The Inclusion Development Fund is managed by the departmental or regional prefect, who decides on the amount of aid granted.
The purpose of the Inclusion Development Fund is to contribute to the financing of: 1° Aid for the consultancy needed to identify, draw up and monitor projects to develop the activities of the organisations mentioned in article L. 5132-2; 2° Aid for the start-up, development and, exceptionally, consolidation of the activities of these organisations.
Assistance from the Inclusion Development Fund is allocated by the Prefect of the département, after consultation with the Conseil départemental de l’insertion par l’activité économique, or by the Prefect of the region, who determines the amount. They are the subject of agreements between the State and the organisation, which specify in particular the nature, duration and purpose of the action funded. The Prefect may make the granting of this aid…
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