Article D5135-1 of the French Labour Code
Where the beneficiary is an employee, his employer is also a party to the work experience agreement referred to in article L. 5135-4.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title III: Aid for integration, access and return to employment | Chapter V: Periods of work experience in a professional environment
Where the beneficiary is an employee, his employer is also a party to the work experience agreement referred to in article L. 5135-4.
The agreement referred to in Article L. 5135-4 , the model for which is set by order of the Minister for Employment, includes the following information in particular: 1° The name, address and legal form of the prescribing body; 2° The surname, first name, address and date of birth of the beneficiary, their employment status, an indication, where applicable, of their status as a beneficiary of the revenu de solidarité…
The agreement referred to in article L. 5135-4 is concluded for a period of no more than one month from date to date, whether the beneficiary’s presence in the host structure is continuous or discontinuous. If the objective(s) set in accordance with 5° of article D. 5135-2 have not been achieved, the agreement may be renewed once, for the same purpose and the same objectives as those initially set and…
For the duration of the work experience period, the beneficiary must comply with the internal rules of the host structure and the health and safety measures specific to the activities set out in the agreement referred to in article D. 5135-2.
During the work experience period, the host company will appoint a person to help, inform, guide and assess the beneficiary. In the event of an accident occurring during or at the location of the work placement, or during the journey made by the beneficiary, the host structure shall inform the support structure within twenty-four hours at the latest. The support structure will forward the information without delay to the employer,…
The prescribing body ensures that the planned work experience period is appropriate and draws up the draft agreement referred to in article D. 5135-2. The support structure implements the work experience period and assesses and evaluates it.
The organisations mentioned in 1° to 3° and 4° bis of article L. 5135-2 may enter into agreements with an organisation employing or supporting people receiving work experience to authorise the latter organisation to prescribe work experience periods for these people. This authorisation may not be linked to any financial clause and the body that granted it may suspend or withdraw it without notice.
The agreement referred to in article D. 5135-7 includes the following information in particular: 1° The name, address and legal form of each party to the agreement, as well as the name and function of each signatory; 2° The categories of persons who may be prescribed work experience periods from among those employed or supported by the prescribing body; 3° The duration of the agreement.
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