Article R5123-30 of the French Labour Code
While the employee’s employment contract is suspended, the company will pay the employee an early retirement allowance, the minimum amount of which is determined by the professional agreement.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Five: Employment | Book I: Measures to promote employment | Title II: Aid to maintain and safeguard employment | Chapter III: Aid for redeployment and retraining measures | Section 6: Early retirement benefit agreement | Subsection 3: Calculation and payment of the allowance
While the employee’s employment contract is suspended, the company will pay the employee an early retirement allowance, the minimum amount of which is determined by the professional agreement.
Payment of the allowance is suspended if the employee resumes work. The allowance ceases to be paid when, from the date provided for in article L. 161-17-2 of the Social Security Code, beneficiaries meet the conditions required to validate a full-rate pension within the meaning of article R. 351-27 of the Social Security Code.
The State participates in the financing of the allowance paid to beneficiaries under the following conditions: 1° The State’s contribution is only due after the expiry of a period starting from the date of suspension of the employment contract and including a number of days corresponding to the compensatory paid holiday allowances paid by the employer; 2° The base taken into account to determine the State’s financial contribution is equal…
The reference salary is determined on the basis of the remuneration on which contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme were based for the last twelve calendar months prior to joining the scheme. It is calculated in accordance with the rules defined under the unemployment insurance scheme provided for in Chapter II of Title II of Book IV. It is revalued in accordance with the rules defined in the second and…
The State reimburses the company by paying the managing body designated by the professional agreement the financial contribution it is responsible for. This reimbursement is made quarterly in arrears.
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