Article R4721-4 of the French Labour Code
The prior notice provided for in article L. 4721-4 shall be in writing, dated and signed.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book VII: Control | Title II: Formal notices and requests for verification | Chapter I: Formal notices | Section 2: Formal notices from the labour inspector and the labour controller. | Subsection 1: Formal notice prior to the official report.
The prior notice provided for in article L. 4721-4 shall be in writing, dated and signed.
The table below sets out the provisions of this part that give rise to the application of the prior formal notice procedure and the minimum period for compliance: PROVISIONS FOR WHICH formal notice is required MINIMUM TIME for compliance Pregnant women, women who have recently given birth or who are breastfeeding Dedicated breastfeeding room provided for in article L. 1225-32. 1 month Use of the workplace Provisions relating to the…
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