Article R4534-81 of the French Labour Code
Gangway floors comply with the provisions relating to work platform floors.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter IV: Technical protection requirements during the works | Section 7: Use of working platforms, walkways and stairways. | Subsection 2: Footbridges and stairways.
Gangway floors comply with the provisions relating to work platform floors.
Gangways and other installations on which people walk are fitted with guardrails at a height of 90 centimetres and skirting boards at least 15 centimetres high, or with any other protective device of at least equivalent effectiveness, at the edge of the void.
When footbridges are slippery due to ice, frost or snow, measures are taken to prevent slipping.
Staircases that are not fitted with permanent handrails are edged on the empty side with guardrails and skirting boards.
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