Article R4534-10 of the French Labour Code
When a worksite usually involves a large movement of lorries or other transport vehicles, specially reserved and appropriately signposted tracks will be laid for these vehicles.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter IV: Technical protection requirements during the works | Section 2: General safety measures. | Subsection 3: Work using site vehicles, equipment and machinery.
When a worksite usually involves a large movement of lorries or other transport vehicles, specially reserved and appropriately signposted tracks will be laid for these vehicles.
When the driver of a lorry performs a manoeuvre, in particular reversing, in conditions of insufficient visibility, one or more workers shall direct the driver and warn, by voice or by conventional signals, persons coming into the area where the vehicle is moving. The same measures are taken when unloading a truck body.
If a vehicle, piece of equipment or mobile worksite machinery is stationary on sloping ground without its driver, it must be immobilised by any appropriate means.
It is forbidden to work under the body of a lorry or under a moving part of a construction machine without using an appropriate device to prevent an accident in the event of failure of the normal restraint device. In concrete mixers, the usual device for stopping the tipper acting on the operating cable is backed up by an additional device for immobilising it in the raised position. This device…
Jacks are fitted with a device capable of preventing the crank from turning back.
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