Article R4534-85 of the French Labour Code
When workers are required to work on a roof where there is a risk of people or materials falling from a height of more than three metres, appropriate measures are taken to prevent any falls.
When workers are required to work on a roof where there is a risk of people or materials falling from a height of more than three metres, appropriate measures are taken to prevent any falls.
Scaffolding used to carry out work on roofs is fitted with guardrails consisting of elements that are joined together or spaced apart so that they cannot allow a human body to pass through. These guardrails are strong enough to effectively prevent a person who has lost his or her balance from falling to the ground. In the absence of appropriate scaffolding, collective protection devices of at least equivalent effectiveness shall…
Where there are permanent protective devices, such as service hooks, railings or handrails, these may only be used after they have been examined to ensure that they are sound. These examinations are carried out by a competent person chosen by the employer. The name and position of this person will be recorded in the safety register.
Workers working on roofs made of materials of insufficient strength, such as glass, cement-based agglomerate slabs, sheet metal, or dilapidated materials, work on scaffolding, work platforms, planks or ladders enabling them not to lean directly on these materials. The devices interposed between these workers and the roof cover an area of roof comprising several structural elements, including one at each end of the devices, and are arranged in such a…
Where it is impossible to comply with the provisions of Article R. 4534-88, devices capable of effectively preventing the consequences of a fall must be installed below the roof. Where these devices cannot be installed, a fall arrest system must be worn.
When glazing work is carried out on roofs, any broken glass is removed immediately.
Flat ladders, known as “roofing ladders”, are fixed so that they cannot slip or tip over.
Radio or television aerials, guy wires and obstacles of any kind that may exist on the parts of the roof on which workers are required to walk shall be marked, for the duration of the work, by visible devices.
Where workers frequently, for more than one day, travel on gutters, footpaths or any other passageway involving the risk of falling onto a roof made of materials of insufficient strength, this roof, in the absence of a guardrail or permanent protective device, is covered with planks or any other device capable of stopping a person who has lost his balance.
It is forbidden to work on roofs made slippery by atmospheric conditions, unless protective devices have been installed for this purpose.
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