Article R4534-60 of the French Labour Code
Before starting demolition work on a structure, the employer checks the strength and stability of each part of the structure, particularly the floors. Where necessary, safe shoring is put in place.
Before starting demolition work on a structure, the employer checks the strength and stability of each part of the structure, particularly the floors. Where necessary, safe shoring is put in place.
No worker may be entrusted with demolition or dismantling work for which he is not competent and which involves an abnormal risk for him or for the other workers on the site.
As soon as the work requires the employment of ten workers, a team leader is assigned exclusively to supervise the work. At least one team leader is appointed for every ten workers. When work requires the simultaneous intervention of several teams, the team leaders are placed under the authority of a single team leader.
The demolition of structures made of reinforced concrete or prestressed materials, and the demolition of structures supported by a metal framework, may only be carried out under the supervision of workers experienced in the particular techniques used for the demolition of these structures.
Workers may only be employed at different heights if precautions are taken to ensure the safety of those working at lower levels.
The walls to be knocked down must first be cleared of any protruding wood or iron that is not sealed or that, although sealed, protrudes by more than two metres.
Where, in a construction, elements of a certain elasticity are subject to stress and whipping may result from their rupture or sudden release, or where their removal may have serious consequences for the stability of all or part of the construction, they may only be removed in a safe manner and, in the case of workers, in accordance with the employer’s instructions.
When the demolition of a section of wall or any other building element is carried out by pulling with metal cables, ropes or any other similar device, the area in which the section of wall or building element will collapse must be carefully delimited.
When the demolition of a section of wall or any other construction element is carried out by means of thrust or impact, appropriate measures are taken to prevent the wall or construction element collapsing on the side where the workers are located.
When, following the demolition of certain parts of a structure, the equilibrium of the remaining parts or neighbouring constructions appears to be compromised, measures, such as the installation of props, are taken to prevent any risk of collapse.
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