Article R4532-84 of the French Labour Code
The inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee is chaired by the health and safety coordinator appointed for the construction phase of the project in application of article L. 4532-3.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title III: Building and civil engineering | Chapter II: Coordination of building and civil engineering works | Section 6: Inter-company college for safety, health and working conditions. | Subsection 3: Operation.
The inter-company safety, health and working conditions committee is chaired by the health and safety coordinator appointed for the construction phase of the project in application of article L. 4532-3.
The inter-company college meets for the first time as soon as at least two companies are actually present on the worksite, and then at least every three months at the invitation of its chairman. In addition, it is convened by the chairman: 1° At the request of the majority of the representatives with voting rights; 2° At the reasoned request of one third of the members representing the employees; 3°…
Meetings of the inter-company college take place on the worksite in an appropriate room and, except in exceptional cases justified by the urgency of the situation, during working hours. Meetings are preceded by a site inspection.
The agenda for meetings of the inter-company college may include any issue falling within the scope of its remit, in particular employee training and information. The notice of meeting and the agenda are drawn up by the chairman of the inter-company college. Except in the case of emergency meetings, they are communicated at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting to the members of the college, to the…
The minutes of the meetings of the inter-company college are recorded in a register which is made available to the Labour Inspectorate, the Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics and the prevention department of the social security bodies. The minutes show, in particular: 1° Decisions taken by the inter-company college; 2° Site inspection reports; 3° Safety training provided by companies in application of article L. 4141-2…
The members of the inter-company college may consult the minutes of its meetings at any time. The register is kept by the coordinator for a period of five years from the date of acceptance of the work.
The operating rules of the inter-company college are set out in regulations. In particular, these rules provide for: 1° Increased frequency of college meetings depending on the size and nature of the works; 2° Procedures to ensure compliance with common rules relating to health, safety and working conditions; 3° Conditions for verifying the application of measures taken by the coordinator or the inter-enterprise college; 4° The procedure for settling any…
The draft rules of the inter-company college are drawn up by the coordinator during the design, study and development phase of the project. They are attached to the documents in the consultation file sent by the project owner to the contractors and, in the absence of consultation, to each contract concluded for an operation covered by the provisions of article R. 4532-77. In the event of subcontracting, the main contractor…
On the initiative of its chairman, the inter-company college is convened, in due course, for the purpose of adopting the college’s rules. The Chairman shall send the rules and the minutes of the meeting at which they were adopted, at their request, to the Labour Inspectorate’s monitoring officer, to the Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment et des travaux publics and to the prevention department of the social security bodies….
When, on a site subject to this section, it has been planned to defer the award of certain lots, the companies called upon to intervene after the formation of the inter-company college are obliged to participate as soon as they intervene on the site. They must also comply with the rules of the college and inform the chairman of the names of their representatives in accordance with Article R. 4532-81.
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