Article R4515-4 of the French Labour Code
Loading and unloading operations are covered by a written document known as a “safety protocol”, which replaces the prevention plan.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title I: Work carried out on an establishment by an external company | Chapter V: Loading and unloading operations | Section 2: Security protocol.
Loading and unloading operations are covered by a written document known as a “safety protocol”, which replaces the prevention plan.
The safety protocol includes the information needed to assess the risks of all kinds generated by the operation, as well as the prevention and safety measures to be observed at each stage of the operation.
For the host company, the safety protocol includes, in particular, the following information: 1° Safety instructions, particularly those relating to the loading or unloading operation; 2° The place of delivery or pick-up, access and parking arrangements at loading or unloading points, accompanied by a map and traffic instructions; 3° The specific equipment and machinery used for loading or unloading; 4° Emergency resources in the event of an accident or incident;…
For the carrier, the safety protocol describes, in particular: 1° The characteristics of the vehicle, its layout and equipment; 2° The nature and packaging of the goods; 3° The special precautions or requirements resulting from the nature of the substances or products being transported, in particular those imposed by the regulations on the transport of dangerous goods.
The safety protocol is drawn up as part of an exchange between the employers concerned, prior to the operation being carried out. Each operation which is not of a repetitive nature as defined in article R. 4515-3 gives rise to a specific safety protocol.
Repetitive loading or unloading operations involving the same companies are subject to a single safety protocol drawn up prior to the first operation. This safety protocol remains applicable as long as the employers concerned consider that the conditions under which the operations are carried out have not undergone any significant change, in any of their constituent elements.
When the service provider cannot be identified in advance by the host company or when the prior exchange has not made it possible to gather all the necessary information, notwithstanding the provisions of article R. 4515-8, the host company employer shall provide and collect, by any appropriate means, the information relating to the safety protocol.
Heads of host and transport companies shall keep a copy of each safety protocol, dated and signed, at the disposal of: 1° the social and economic committees of the companies concerned; 2° the labour inspectorate.
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