Article R4323-39 of the French Labour Code
During the use of mobile work equipment used for lifting non-guided loads, measures are taken to prevent it from tipping, overturning, moving or sliding unexpectedly.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title II: Use of work equipment and protective equipment | Chapter III: Organisational measures and conditions of use of work equipment and personal protective equipment | Section 5: Special provisions applicable to work equipment used for lifting loads | Page 2
During the use of mobile work equipment used for lifting non-guided loads, measures are taken to prevent it from tipping, overturning, moving or sliding unexpectedly.
Where lifting equipment travels on tracks or runways, the ends of these tracks or runways are fitted with devices to reduce shocks at the end of travel.
The operating position of a piece of lifting equipment must be arranged in such a way that the driver can follow with his eyes the manoeuvres performed by the moving parts of the equipment. When the driver of work equipment used for lifting non-guided loads cannot observe the entire path of the load either directly or by means of auxiliary devices providing useful information, a manoeuvring supervisor, in communication with…
When the worker hooks or unhooks a load by hand, the work is organised in such a way that these operations can be carried out in complete safety. During these operations, the lifting equipment may not be operated until the worker has given his consent.
When a load has to be lifted simultaneously by two or more pieces of work equipment used for lifting non-guided loads, operating procedures are defined and applied to ensure that operators and operations are properly coordinated.
In the event of a partial or complete failure of the power supply, and if the work equipment used to lift non-guided loads cannot hold these loads, measures are taken to avoid exposing workers to the risks that may result. Suspended loads must not be left unattended, unless access to the danger zone is prevented and the load has been hooked on and is held securely.
It is forbidden to swing loads in order to deposit them at a point which cannot normally be reached by the lifting equipment. It is also forbidden to lift or pull loads at an angle, except with the aid of equipment designed for this purpose.
When it exceeds a height set by joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture, the use in the open air of work equipment used for lifting non-guided loads ceases as soon as the deterioration of weather conditions is likely to compromise the safety of their operation and expose any person to a risk. In this case, the employer must equip himself with the means and information to…
Lifting accessories are chosen and used according to the loads to be handled, the gripping points, the attachment device and the atmospheric conditions, taking into account the slinging method and configuration. All permanent lifting accessory assemblies are clearly marked to enable the user to identify their characteristics.
Containers for bulk loads intended to be attached to work equipment used for lifting are able to withstand the stresses experienced during loading, transport, handling and storage of the load and to prevent all or part of the load from spilling out during the same operations.
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