Article R4224-9 of the French Labour Code
Swing doors and gates are transparent or have transparent panels.
Swing doors and gates are transparent or have transparent panels.
The transparent parts are made of safety materials or protected against denting so that workers cannot be injured if these surfaces break.
Sliding doors and gates are fitted with a safety system to prevent them from coming off their tracks and falling. Doors and gates that open upwards are fitted with a safety system to prevent them from falling back.
Doors and gates are maintained and inspected regularly. If falling doors or gates may present a danger to workers, particularly due to their size, weight or fixing method, the frequency of inspections and any work carried out must be recorded in the file provided for in Article R. 4224-17.
Automatic doors and gates operate without risk of accident to workers. The characteristics to be met by new and existing automatic doors and gates, as well as the conditions for their maintenance and inspection, are defined by joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and agriculture.
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