Article R4222-20 of the French Labour Code
The employer shall maintain all the installations referred to in this chapter in good working order and shall regularly inspect them.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book II: Provisions applicable to workplaces | Title II: Employer's obligations regarding use of the workplace | Chapter II: Ventilation, sanitation | Section 5: Inspection and maintenance of facilities
The employer shall maintain all the installations referred to in this chapter in good working order and shall regularly inspect them.
The employer shall indicate in a set of instructions for use the arrangements made for ventilation and shall lay down the measures to be taken in the event of a breakdown in the installations. These instructions are drawn up taking account, where appropriate, of the information in the instructions supplied by the project owner in accordance with article R. 4212-7. It is subject to the opinion of the occupational physician…
Joint decrees by the Ministers of Labour and Agriculture set: 1° The methods for measuring concentration, flow rate, capture, filtration and purification efficiency; 2° The nature and frequency of inspections of the installations mentioned in this chapter.
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