Article R3332-8 of the French Labour Code
The ceiling provided for in Article L. 3332-11 is set at 8% of the annual amount of the ceiling provided for in Article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code.
The ceiling provided for in Article L. 3332-11 is set at 8% of the annual amount of the ceiling provided for in Article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code.
The employer’s unilateral payment for the acquisition of shares or investment certificates issued by the company benefits all members who satisfy the seniority conditions, if any, set out in the plan regulations. The total amount of this payment may not exceed 2% of the annual ceiling provided for in the first paragraph of article L. 241-3 of the Social Security Code. This payment is taken into account to assess compliance…
The sharing agreement referred to in article L. 23-11-2 of the French Commercial Code may jointly adopt the different methods for distributing the unilateral employer contribution provided for in article L. 23-11-3 of the same code, in compliance with the ceiling determined in 2° of article L. 3332-11.
A company savings plan may receive, at the initiative of the participants, payments of sums from profit-sharing, voluntary payments and company contributions as provided for in article L. 3332-11. The rules of the company savings plan may stipulate a minimum amount per investment vehicle for each voluntary payment made by participants. However, this may not exceed a sum set by joint order of the ministers responsible for the economy and…
The annual payments made by a beneficiary mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 3332-2 to the employee savings plans in which he participates may not exceed one quarter of his professional income taxed for income tax purposes for the previous year.
The sums paid by members to a company savings plan, the additional sums paid by the company, the sums allocated by way of profit-sharing and allocated voluntarily by employees to this savings plan as well as the sums allocated to employees by way of profit-sharing and allocated to the implementation of this plan are, within a period of fifteen days from their payment by the member or from the date…
The additional sums that the company has undertaken to pay into the plan are allocated at the same time as the member’s payments or, at the latest, at the end of each financial year and before the member leaves the company.
Amounts allocated by way of profit-sharing that employees wish to allocate to a company savings plan shall be paid into the plan within a maximum period of fifteen days from the date on which they were received.
Where a former employee of the company does not have access to a collective retirement savings plan, he may continue to make payments into the collective retirement savings plan of his former company. Except in this case, a former employee who has left the company for a reason other than retirement or early retirement may not make further payments into the company savings plan. However, when the payment of profit-sharing…
In the absence of an agreement, the sums are allocated to an open-ended investment company governed by articles L. 214-7 to L. 214-7-4 and L. 214-24-29 to L. 214-24-33 of the French Monetary and Financial Code or to an employee savings fund governed by articles L. 214-163 to L. 214-166 of the same code with the least risky investment profile in the company savings plan or, failing that, in the…
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