Article R3252-20 of the French Labour Code
The registrar ensures that the seizure operations run smoothly.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title V: Protection of wages | Chapter II: Attachments and assignments | Section 2: Attachment of sums due by way of remuneration | Subsection 2: Seizure operations
The registrar ensures that the seizure operations run smoothly.
In the light of the minutes of the non-conciliation hearing, the court clerk will proceed with the seizure within eight days. If the conciliation hearing has resulted in a judgement, the court clerk will proceed with the seizure within eight days of notification of the judgement if it is enforceable and, failing this, following expiry of the time limits for appealing against the judgement.
The writ of attachment drawn up by the registry shall contain : 1° The surname, first names and domicile of the debtor and creditor or, in the case of a legal entity, its name and registered office; 2° A separate statement of the sums to be seized, including principal, costs and accrued interest, together with an indication of the interest rate; 3° The method of calculating the seizable fraction and…
The attachment deed is notified to the employer. A copy is sent to the debtor by ordinary letter, indicating that if the employer changes, the seizure will continue with the new employer.
The employer shall provide the court registry with the information mentioned in article L. 3252-9 no later than fifteen days from notification of the seizure. This declaration may be consulted at the registry by the creditor, the debtor or their agent. At their request, the court clerk will issue a copy.
The civil fine provided for in article L. 3252-9 may not exceed 10,000 euros.
The employer shall inform the registry within eight days of any event that suspends or terminates the seizure.
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