Article D3253-1 of the French Labour Code
The monthly ceiling provided for in Article L. 3253-2 is set at twice the monthly ceiling used to calculate social security contributions.
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The monthly ceiling provided for in Article L. 3253-2 is set at twice the monthly ceiling used to calculate social security contributions.
The maximum guarantee provided for in 4° of Article L. 3253-8 is equal to : 1° Three times the monthly ceiling used to calculate social security contributions, for one and a half months’ salary; 2° Twice this ceiling, for one month’s salary.
The early retirement arrears due in application of a professional or inter-professional agreement, a collective agreement or a company agreement benefit from the guarantee provided for in article L. 3253-11 when the conclusion of this agreement or this agreement is six months prior to the date of the judgment opening the safeguard or receivership proceedings.
The administrative authority referred to in Article L. 3253-14 is the Minister for Employment.
The maximum amount of the guarantee provided for in Article L. 3253-17 is set at six times the monthly ceiling used to calculate contributions to the unemployment insurance scheme. This amount is set at five times this ceiling if the employment contract from which the claim arises was entered into less than two years and at least six months before the date of the judgment opening the collective proceedings, and…
The time limit for contesting the application provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 3253-20 is ten days from the date on which the managing body of the unemployment insurance scheme mentioned in article L. 3253-14 receives the application for funds from the judicial representative.
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