Article R3232-3 of the French Labour Code
The State aid provided for in article L. 3232-8 is set at 50% of the amount of the supplementary allowance.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book II: Salaries and benefits | Title III: Salary determination | Chapter II: Minimum monthly pay | Section 2: Reimbursement by the State
The State aid provided for in article L. 3232-8 is set at 50% of the amount of the supplementary allowance.
State aid is paid on production of nominative statements by the employer, showing how the supplementary allowance has been calculated and approved by the labour inspectorate. Payment is made within three months of the above-mentioned statements being sent to the Labour Inspectorate.
In the event of a reduction in working hours likely to result in the application of Article L. 3232-8, the employer shall inform the Labour Inspectorate monitoring officer and provide him with all information on the reasons for this reduction and the numbers and qualifications of the employees concerned.
In the event of safeguard proceedings, receivership, compulsory liquidation or financial difficulties on the part of the employer, the Prefect may, on the proposal of the Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment, order the direct payment to employees of the portion of the supplementary allowance to be paid by the State.
The labour inspector checks whether the remuneration paid to employees over the past calendar year has been correctly distributed over twelve months. In the event that the remuneration has not been correctly established, taking into account the employment of the persons concerned, and this verification reveals an improper carry-over of certain elements of the remuneration to the end of the year or unjustified inequalities between the monthly remunerations, the necessary…
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