Article R1455-1 of the French Labour Code
Each industrial tribunal has a summary proceedings panel common to all sections of the tribunal. This panel is made up of one employee and one employer councillor.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book IV: Dispute resolution - The industrial tribunal | Title V: Proceedings before the industrial tribunal | Chapter V: Summary proceedings | Section 1: Composition and organisation of the Referee Panel
Each industrial tribunal has a summary proceedings panel common to all sections of the tribunal. This panel is made up of one employee and one employer councillor.
The General Meeting of the industrial tribunal appoints each year, in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 1423-3, L. 1423-5, R. 1423-11 and R. 1423-12, the employer industrial tribunal members and the employee industrial tribunal members called upon to hold summary hearings. The number of councillors appointed in this way must be sufficient to ensure, according to a rotation established by the internal rules of procedure of the industrial…
Hearings in summary proceedings are chaired alternately by an employer and an employee councillor in accordance with the conditions laid down in the rules of procedure.
The rules of procedure of the industrial tribunal set the usual day and time for summary hearings. A hearing is scheduled at least once a week. When circumstances so require, the president of the industrial tribunal, after consulting the vice-president, may set one or more additional hearings or move the day and time of the hearing(s) of the week.
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