Article R1262-1 of the French Labour Code
When the period of secondment in France exceeds one month, the provisions relating to absences due to illness or accident, set out in article L. 1226-1, are applicable to seconded employees.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Regulatory part | Part One: Individual employment relations | Book II: Employment contracts | Title VI: Employees temporarily seconded by a company not established in France | Chapter II: Conditions of secondment and applicable regulations | Section 1: Illness and accident
When the period of secondment in France exceeds one month, the provisions relating to absences due to illness or accident, set out in article L. 1226-1, are applicable to seconded employees.
The declaration referred to in article L. 1262-4-4 shall be sent within two working days of the occurrence of the accident at work, by any means that can be relied upon to provide a date certain. The declaration must include the following information 1° The name or company name as well as the postal and electronic addresses and telephone numbers of the company or establishment which usually employs the employee…
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