Article R4313-23 of the French Labour Code
The EC type-examination procedure is the procedure by which a notified body ascertains and certifies that a model of machinery or personal protective equipment conforms to the relevant technical rules.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book III: Work equipment and means of protection | Title I: Design and placing on the market of work equipment and means of protection | Chapter III: Conformity certification procedures | Section 2: Conformity assessment procedures | Subsection 2: Conformity assessment procedures applicable to machinery and personal protective equipment | Paragraph 2: EC type-examination
The EC type-examination procedure is the procedure by which a notified body ascertains and certifies that a model of machinery or personal protective equipment conforms to the relevant technical rules.
The application for EC type-examination may be submitted by the manufacturer or importer to only one notified body in the European Community for a model of machine or personal protective equipment.
The application for EC type-examination shall include: 1° The name and address of the manufacturer or importer; 2° The place of manufacture of the machine or personal protective equipment; 3° The technical file provided for in Article R. 4313-6.
In the case of machinery, the application for EC type-examination shall be accompanied by a copy of the model or an indication of the place where the model may be examined. In the case of personal protective equipment, the application must be accompanied by the number of copies of the model required for the examination.
Where the notified body has its registered office in France, the correspondence relating to the EC type-examination application and the technical file are drawn up in French or in an official language of the European Community accepted by the notified body.
The notified body to which the application for EC type-examination has been submitted will examine the technical file and the model of the machine or personal protective equipment.
In the case of machinery, the notified body shall carry out the examinations and tests enabling it to ensure that: 1° the technical file contains all the necessary elements; 2° the machinery has been manufactured in accordance with the information contained in the technical file; 3° the machinery can be used safely under the intended conditions of use; 4° in the case of a safety component referred to in 3°…
In the case of personal protective equipment, the notified body shall carry out examinations and tests to ensure that: 1° The technical file contains all the necessary elements. If this file refers to the standards mentioned in Article L. 4311-7, the body shall ensure that it includes all the information required by these standards. If this file does not refer to such standards or refers to them only in application…
Where the notified body decides that the model of machinery or personal protective equipment examined complies with the relevant technical rules, it shall draw up an EC type-examination certificate. The certificate shall reproduce the conclusions of the examination, indicate any conditions attached to it and include the descriptions and drawings necessary to identify the model covered by the certificate.
Where the notified body decides that the model of machinery or personal protective equipment does not conform to the technical rules concerning it, it shall inform the applicant of its refusal to issue an EC type-examination certificate and shall inform the other notified bodies in the European Community accordingly.
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