Article R4543-25 of the French Labour Code
The provisions of this section apply to the assembly and dismantling of lifts, without prejudice to those of Title III of this book.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book V: Prevention of risks associated with certain activities or operations | Title IV: Other activities and operations | Chapter III: Work on lifting and permanently installed equipment. | Section 7: Assembly and dismantling of lifts.
The provisions of this section apply to the assembly and dismantling of lifts, without prejudice to those of Title III of this book.
Lifts are assembled and dismantled using a safe method. This is established for assembly and, where applicable, for dismantling on the basis of the information supplied by the manufacturer. The lift assembly method takes particular account of the documentation and information provided for in Article R. 134-31 of the French Construction and Housing Code. During all phases of dismantling a lift, the stability of the cabin is ensured and its…
Any operation to lift or hold the cab at a height must be carried out using appropriate lifting equipment.
All employees working in the hopper are provided with the work equipment and personal protective equipment specified in articles R. 4323-62 and R. 4323-64.
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