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Article A123-28 of the French Commercial code

The national register of commerce and companies includes: 1° All entries in the registers of commerce and companies held at each registry office; 2° All deeds and documents filed with these registers. The National Register of Commerce and Companies does not include the supporting documents placed in the register files in support of applications for registration or filing. These files are kept and updated under the same conditions as those…

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Article A123-29 of the French Commercial code

The Registrar will affix to each registration file, for the sole purpose of managing these files, a management number consisting of the figures for the current year, followed by the letter A in the case of a natural person, the letter B in the case of a commercial company, the letter C in the case of an economic interest group and a European economic interest group, the letter D in…

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Article A123-30 of the French Commercial code

The files transmitted to the Institut national de la propriété industrielle under I of Article D. 123-80-1 are compliant with the ISO 19005-1 standard and the data exchange standard for archiving (SEDA). In addition to the data required by this standard, these files are accompanied by the metadata essential for their indexation, in particular the company name, SIREN number, address, date of registration or filing with the registry, type of…

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Article A123-31 of the French Commercial code

I.-The redistribution files provided for in II of Article D. 123-80-1 shall be transmitted in text format for the results of restatements of information contained in registrations as well as, if they exist in this format, for the results of restatements of deeds and documents, including annual accounts. These files comply with the ISO/ IEC-8859-1 standard. They are accompanied by their MD5 fingerprints as well as the associated complete and…

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Article A123-32 of the French Commercial code

The Registrar shall send to the National Institute of Industrial Property, within fifteen days of the entry or filing of the deeds and documents in the Register of Commerce and Companies, the fees collected under these provisions on behalf of that establishment.

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Article A123-33 of the French Commercial code

Entries and deletions made ex officio in the Trade and Companies Register and entries reported by the Registrar shall be transmitted to the Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, in accordance with the procedures set out in Article D. 123-80-1.

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Article A123-37 of the French Commercial code

The registrar’s maintenance of the register includes keeping and updating: 1° The alphabetical file of natural and legal persons registered within the jurisdiction of the court; 2° The collection of individual files; 3° The collection of ancillary files. The alphabetical file is maintained using a computerised process. >.

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Article A123-38 of the French Commercial code

The alphabetical file indicates: 1° For natural persons, their birth name, customary name, forenames, date and place of birth, the activity carried out and the address of the establishment or, failing this, the residential premises. Where applicable, the administrative commune for persons with no fixed abode or residence on French territory, the main market for persons who are nationals of the European Union or a State party to the Agreement…

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