Article R6332-68 of the French Labour Code
The composition of the application file for approval of training funds for non-salaried workers is set by an order of the minister responsible for vocational training.
The composition of the application file for approval of training funds for non-salaried workers is set by an order of the minister responsible for vocational training.
Approval of a training insurance fund for non-salaried workers is granted by order of the minister responsible for vocational training, after consultation with France Compétences.
Approval of the training insurance fund for non-salaried employees can only be granted if it complies with the legal provisions relating to its constitution. Approval is granted only when the estimated amount of annual funds collected exceeds a threshold set by order of the minister responsible for vocational training. This threshold is determined with a view to ensuring sufficient financial capacity for the development of vocational training.
The approval of a training insurance fund for non-salaried employees may be withdrawn, after a reasoned formal notice, if the legal provisions applicable to training insurance funds or the specific conditions set out in the approval decision are not complied with, or if the training insurance fund has repeated malfunctions or failures that have not been overcome by the appointment of a provisional administrator on the basis of article R….
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