Article L121-1 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures
The enforcement judge deals with the application of the provisions of this code under the conditions set out in article L. 213-6 of the code de l’organisation judiciaire.
The enforcement judge deals with the application of the provisions of this code under the conditions set out in article L. 213-6 of the code de l’organisation judiciaire.
The enforcement judge has the power to order the release of any unnecessary or abusive measure and to order the creditor to pay damages in the event of abuse of seizure.
The enforcement judge has the power to order the debtor to pay damages in the event of abusive resistance.
Without prejudice to the provisions of article L. 3252-11 of the Labour Code, the parties may be assisted or represented before the enforcement judge in accordance with the rules applicable before the judicial court in matters where the assistance of a lawyer is not compulsory before that court: 1° When the application relates to eviction ; 2° Where the claim arises from a debt or seeks payment of a sum…
The public prosecutor ensures that judgments and other enforceable titles are enforced.
The Public Prosecutor may order all bailiffs within his jurisdiction to lend their services. The Public Prosecutor also pursues the enforcement of court decisions ex officio in cases specified by law.
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