Article R221-57 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures
Standing crops belonging to the debtor may be seized in the six weeks preceding the usual ripening period.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil enforcement procedures | Regulatory part | BOOK II: MOVABLE PROPERTY ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES | TITLE II: SEIZURE OF TANGIBLE ASSETS | Chapter I: Attachment for sale | Section 5: Special provisions for the seizure of standing crops
Standing crops belonging to the debtor may be seized in the six weeks preceding the usual ripening period.
On pain of nullity, the seizure report shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of article R. 221-16, with the exception, however, of the particulars set out in 2° of this article, which are replaced by a description of the land on which the crops are located, with its size, location and an indication of the nature of the fruit.
The crops are placed under the responsibility of the debtor as custodian. However, at the request of the distraining creditor, the execution judge may appoint a manager to the farm, with the debtor being heard or summoned.
The sale is announced by posters posted at the town hall and at the market nearest to the place where the crops are located. The notices shall state the date, time and place of the sale and indicate the plot of land where the crops are located, its size and the nature of the fruit. The bailiff will certify that this has been done.
The sale takes place at the place where the crops are located or at the nearest market.
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