Article R321-4 of the French Code of civil enforcement procedures
The seizure of the property by creditors with a right of resale is pursued against the third party purchaser of the property.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Code of civil enforcement procedures | Regulatory part | BOOK III: SEIZURE OF PROPERTY | TITLE II: SEIZURE AND SALE OF THE PROPERTY | Chapter I: Seizure of immovable property | Section 1: The act of seizure | Subsection 2: Delivery of the summons to pay in the event of seizure to the third party purchaser
The seizure of the property by creditors with a right of resale is pursued against the third party purchaser of the property.
The pursuing creditor shall serve a summons to pay on the principal debtor. The document shall state that the summons to pay valid as a seizure provided for in the following paragraph shall be issued to the third party purchaser. The summons to pay valid as a seizure is served at the request of the pursuing creditor on the third party purchaser. It includes the information listed in article R….
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