Article R4412-121 of the French Labour Code
Waste of any kind likely to release asbestos fibres is packaged and treated in such a way as not to cause dust emissions during handling, transport, storage and warehousing.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part four: Health and safety at work | Book IV: Prevention of certain risks of exposure | Title I: Chemical risks | Chapter II: Chemical risk prevention measures | Section 3: Risks of exposure to asbestos | Subsection 2: Provisions common to all operations involving risks of exposure to asbestos | Paragraph 8: Waste treatment
Waste of any kind likely to release asbestos fibres is packaged and treated in such a way as not to cause dust emissions during handling, transport, storage and warehousing.
Waste is : 1° Collected as and when it is produced ; 2° Packaged in appropriate, closed packaging, with the labelling required by Decree no. 88-466 of 28 April 1988 relating to products containing asbestos and by the Environmental Code, in particular articles R. 551-1 to R. 551-13 relating to the general provisions relating to all infrastructure works with regard to the parking, loading or unloading of hazardous materials; 3°…
Waste is transported and disposed of in accordance with current regulations.
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